Food, Bruh

Let’s talk about Nutrition.

Here’s a definition from Google State University: “NUTRITION- (noun): The process of providing or obtaining the FOOD necessary for HEALTH and GROWTH”.

We know what food IS, right?

“FOOD” is NOT whey protein powder or any type of protein powder with any sort of vitamin, or peanut butter, or juice or flavored syrup or graham cracker or dry pudding mix. Whey protein shakes are to SUPPLEMENT your diet (full of FOOD) to ensure you get the adequate amount of protein in your diet. Protein shakes should be used in addition to your other actual meals of the day and should be simply mixed with water or a low fat milk of your choice, or as a post-workout meal, where you can add real fruits and veggies if you wish.  So these “Nutrition” stores that have popped up all over the place, ran by “Entrepreneurs” who are following a business plan and practice created by someone else, and selling a product created by someone else, are disgustingly misleading.  They’re filling these “nutrition shakes” full of crap so that they’ll taste really good and you’ll be sure to come back tomorrow for another treat. So for any unsuspecting health-searcher out there, remember this: these shakes are treats. You could go to Braum’s and get something extremely similar, it will just have a lower protein count. At least they’ve got the “growth” part down.

Your muscles “grow” by consuming the right amount of protein needed for your body weight (one gram per pound of body weight) and protein should be perfectly paired with carbohydrates and fats. The magazines don’t want you to know this, but your body LOVES calories. Give it the amount of calories it needs from real, sustainable meals full of THE RIGHT calories. Your body flourishes when it is pampered with nutrients from vegetables that grow in the ground, fruits that grow on trees and animal proteins that came from cute and cuddly animals who lived happy, healthy lives while galloping through the meadows. (Don’t buy meats or dairy products from animals who lived any other way. Really. Your body and your hormones will thank you). THIS is “health”.

All this to say, I encourage you to get your nutrition from real, whole foods and supplement your protein as you need to. Get your treat from Joe Blow’s Treat Shake and Tea Bar when you’re craving it, but don’t allow yourself to be mislead when it comes to your health and your body. People who get trimmed, ripped, locked and loaded aren’t living on shakes.

Take Care of Yourself!

– Dez

My Top Fitness Advice!

I have to start out by saying that my intended reader here is the normal, regular, average Jane such as myself. I am not talking to aspiring fitness competitors or any sort of professional athlete. I am also not really giving out any fitness advice. I’m a little bitter, coming off a day that I had been dreading for months. After the turn of the new year, April crept closer and closer and I had to swallow the pill of not being able to run the OKC Memorial Marathon. I ran the Half last year and my goal was to run it every year until the end of time. The date of this year’s race was tattooed on the back of my eyelids and it haunted me everyday because my back pain wasn’t going away and I couldn’t run more than a mile. 13 miles was so far out of the question that I had shifted my focus to anything I could do to get better. Strength training, massage, yoga, whining and complaining- anything that could keep my mind off running. So the day of the race came and I cried. I allowed myself about 5 minutes to cry hard and then I made my brain move on because crying wasn’t going to magically fix my problem. I told myself that I have another year to get better and THIS situation and THESE pitiful feelings are going to make running the damn race NEXT year THAT much sweeter.

SO. Like I said, I have been trying to shift my focus onto other things- mainly strength training and weightlifting; however, with my back issues, I have had to lift lighter than I would like.

I follow many female fitness accounts on Instagram and everyone is so damn happy with all their “gains” and all their PR’s they’ve hit, and all their beautiful, toothy smiles have this way of making me feel like my accomplishments are insignificant. The amount of weight I can lift isn’t heavy enough. I can’t run far enough. But here is the thing: and really, maybe I AM giving advice here because the THING IS that I (we) (you) shouldn’t be following people on social media who aren’t in the same situation as me (us) (you). UNLESS I follow ONLY for inspiration and I don’t let myself slip into those feelings of insignificance which is so, so easy to do.

I have back issues. Should I be following Crossfit competitors who can sling double their body weight?

I have a toddler and a husband. Should I be following single girls who’s sole responsibility is to take care of only themselves?

I hate leftover food. Probably shouldn’t be following @ MealPrepMondays because that shit just ain’t gonna happen.

Since it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others, when it comes to social media in the fitness category, let’s all vow to follow and gain motivation from women who live the same way we do. If you are a nurse or social worker who works very long hours, follow women with the same career. Get tips from them on how they fit their workouts and healthy meals into that busy lifestyle. Moms, follow other moms. For the love of GOD, follow other moms! Sometimes I just shake my head at the iPad and I think “Try doing all that with a kid! Or multiple kids!!” There are so many women out there who balance work, kids, healthy eating, the gym, family- THAT’S impressive. And y’all need to teach me some things.

Don’t get caught up or overwhelmed with fitness accounts ran by athletes who’s JOB is their body. Take all their pictures with a grain of salt. I’m not saying that any of these InstaFamous InstaAthletes haven’t had to overcome challenges, or that they don’t work hard or that they’ve got it easy. I know enough about the fitness industry to know that it certainly carries it’s own challenges. And the women who are in the industry WITH regular jobs AND children are real-life Wonder Women. What I AM saying is, to all of us regular Janes, be careful of how social media makes you feel about yourself and your accomplishments because social Media is not always real life. You want to be uplifted, not pulled down. Just like we were taught as little girls that magazines airbrush, remember that Social Media can be fabricated very easily. Happiness can be faked very easily. I’ll be working on taking my own advice!!



Five Ways To Start Running


It’s the most wonderful time of the year: SPRING! Everything is coming back to life- the grass, the trees, the flowers, and ME. When the warmer weather hits, I am always outside and I LOVE outdoor workouts. There are a few hills that I frequent and I do sprints up them, and I have my favorite open patch of grass in the neighborhood next to ours where I do walking lunges until I have to crawl back home. I’m always finding a creative way to exercise outside in the spring and summer.

For me personally, nothing beats a good run in the heat of the day. There’s something about getting sweaty and tan all at the same time that makes my SOUL happy. Running makes my brain work. I’m getting lost in the moment as I’m writing, because I am picturing myself running through my neighborhood to the beat of a Britney song, and I can smell the fresh cut grass, and I can taste the little bugs that you inevitably choke on as a runner. Mmmmm.

I get asked a lot, “How do I START running?”

I think that’s a great question because it is easy to get discouraged when you think you’ve been running for 30 minutes, and you look at your watch and it’s only been THREE minutes. So I have put together a list of Five Ways to Start Running. This is all from my own head and my own personal way of training and getting back into running shape. If any of this is scientific, it’s just by chance.

ONE: Don’t run with a watch. Cover up the Time Display if you’re using a treadmill.

The number one rule about fitness is to listen to your body. Do just THAT when you begin running. Jog until you’re uncomfortable and then slow to a walk. Once you’ve caught your breath, start jogging again. Don’t feel bad for walking. At the beginning, it doesn’t matter how long you run, it just matters THAT YOU RAN. Pretty soon, your running intervals will get longer and your walking intervals will get shorter. Build your confidence first, worry about your time later.

TWO: Incorporate Intervals and Sprints

An “interval” is a burst of energy, whether it’s a sprint or just a faster jog. Hold an interval pace for about 10 seconds, and then return to your comfortable pace. Build your interval over time, so that you’re at a fast, somewhat uncomfortable pace for 20 seconds, then 30 seconds, and so on. Intervals keep your heart rate in that “magical” “fat burning zone” that magazines talk about but never thoroughly explain in un-scientific English.

THREE: Hills Are Your Friends

Not only do hills make your booty look mighty fine, running them increases your leg strength, and elevates your heart rate to create stamina. Hills are another way to increase the duration of your running time and quicken your pace. Find the steepest one you can. If you’re using a treadmill, bump the incline up to somewhere around 7 and hold it there for about 10 seconds. Then build your incline just like you built your interval. Before I forget: running at a Zero incline on a treadmill has been shown to mimic running downhill. So always turn the incline to at least one or two for proper alignment. Your hips and knees will thank you.

FOUR: Cross Train

That’s a fancy term for “Do Other Things Also”. Incorporate weight lifting about 3 times a week. Take a spin class once a week. Ride a bike. Do Zumba. Anything that you like to do, do it! Fitness is about being well rounded. Anything that increases your heart rate for an extended period of time is going to create stamina for you as a runner.

FIVE: Warm Up and Cool Down

Maybe this should have been number one. An improper warm up and cool down could lead to injury. Your warm up should consist of 5-10 minutes of walking or elliptical or stairmaster; anything to put a little pink on your cheeks. After your run is when it’s time to stretch. You can stretch before a run, but be sure not to over-do it. When you’re stretching, hold your stretches for a good amount of time. Remember: “Low Load, Long Duration”. Hold your stretch until you feel “used to it” and then go a little deeper. Take deep breaths, and blow them out. Yoga is an important aspect of a runner’s training, so take a yoga class if you can. You’ll love it.

I hope you enjoyed my tips! I’d love to answer any questions or comments!

Take Care of Yourself,

Desiree, HPK

My Big, Fat Back Problems

I’ve decided to whine and complain about the painful back problems I have been having for the better part of a year. My pain started when my baby, Nash, was about 3 months old. I noticed during his feedings in the middle of the night that I was very slumped over while holding him while he ate, and that slumped-over posture stuck with me throughout the day. By the time I noticed my posture, my back muscles were sore and my shoulders rotated forward permanently.

Nash got very heavy, very fast and my pain escalated. My muscles had the same soreness in them as they do after a hard workout with weights. When you lift weights on a certain body part, you are supposed to give it ample time to heal and rest before you work the same body part. Since I couldn’t put my baby down and let my body rest, I was at a loss and the pain got worse.

Not only did I have to lay off my upper body workouts at the gym, I had to stop running. Running is an activity I have enjoyed my whole life; it clears my head and it makes me strong mentally. Each run is an emotional experience for me and I have physical confidence because of how it makes my body look. Giving up running has crushed me and my spirit. I ran my first half marathon when Nash was 6 months old, and shortly after that is when my back pain was triggered by running. Weightlifting, plyometrics, HIIT all triggered my back pain and I had to give everything up.

Slowly, my pain started ruining my quality of life. I couldn’t reach for things or twist like normal anymore. I couldn’t check my blind spot when I drove. I would wake up several times in the middle of the night stiff as a board; knots were everywhere in my back and neck/shoulder area and as of about the last month, I can’t hold myself completely upright without consciously reminding myself all day long.

I’ve gone to the doctor. He gave me steroids (they helped) and some muscle relaxers (which I don’t like because they make me exhausted before they help my pain). This doctor also prescribed me physical therapy, which in my mind is just more activity for my back, so I opted out of that. The catch was, if I didn’t do physical therapy, my health insurance wouldn’t cover an MRI so I was shit out of luck. I tried yoga. Yoga helps my shoulders and makes my whole body feel amazing, so I continue to practice yoga, I just don’t do many twists. I’ve gone to the chiropractor and adjustments began to be very painful. I’ve used Biofreeze and all sorts of herbal rubs and creams. The only answer for me has been to just deal with it until Nash is completely walking and my back can finally rest. (Yeah right).

The light at the end of the tunnel is that my fiancé asked a friend of ours who has connections with some different doctors in our area if he would step in and help me get an MRI. This friend set me up with a sports injury doctor who will order me an MRI after an examination and will help me out when it comes to the insurance issue. My examination is tomorrow and I’m really ready to get this show on the road for some real answers. I am too active of a person, and too young for this kind of pain to let it continue.

I want my life back. I want to workout. I want to run. Boo hoo.

Take Care of Yourself!


8 Sure Signs You’re A New Mom

Absolutely everything changes when you become a new mom. Everything changes when you get pregnant, and then it changes again once your baby is born. Some changes are easy to adapt to and others are really hard to let go. Like Happy Hour. But all that money you save on Vodka Tonics will now go to baby Nike’s or hair bows, so don’t  worry – you won’t save any money out of the deal. Through all of the ups and downs your body and your mind go through, you’ll learn so much about yourself and you’ll realize how strong you really are. If you’re anything like me, you’ll fall in love with yourself because you learn how to pull off this mom thing.

So, just in case you aren’t from Edmond, Oklahoma where you can smell a mom in a minivan from a mile away, here are 8 sure signs you’re a new mom:

1. You have lost your mind.

 You can call it “Pregnancy Brain” or “Mommy Brain” but you will straight up lose your damn mind. I’m talking keys in the fridge, what-did-I-come-in-here-for brain cell loss. Remember that episode of Newlyweds where Jessica Simpson gets confused whether she’s eating chicken or tuna? That’s where you’re headed, sister. You will have many “I know this is tuna, but the can says chicken” moments, so take the opportunity to laugh at yourself (because everyone else is!)


2. Your biggest fear is clipping those microscopic finger nails.

They are so tiny and so soft, it’s nearly impossible! You can try the bite-and-peel technique or you can dive in head first with the clippers, but either way, you won’t clip off their whole finger. I promise!

3. You have lost a friend. Or two.

Having a baby can alienate you, bottom line. You might have girlfriends who don’t have children that will go on about their lives without you. They won’t check in to see how your leaking breasts are doing, and they won’t understand what you do all day even though you’re “just sitting at home”. Try to be understanding because you can’t expect their lives to change just because yours has. Make friends with other moms of babies and nurture those relationships. They will get you. Your true friends from Pre-Motherhood will be available at all hours of the night and will understand when your coffee date gets postponed. Just remember that you-time, girl-time and hubby-time is just as important as baby-time.

4. You are exhausted.

So exhausted that you are cranky, mad, pissed. And then you feel guilty that you’re mad. So exhausted that you are empathetic towards those women who drive their cars into lakes. Not that it makes it right, obviously, and not that you’ll do that, but you get it now. In my experience, I got the hang of napping when my baby did, and he started sleeping through the night at 2 months, but I hit a wall in his 10th month. That was the hardest month for me for several reasons but mainly because I had severe back pain that had been building up and it was all from carrying and holding my heavy heavy heavy baby. He’s been about 25 pounds since he was 4 months old and my back felt like it had broke. I did the chiropractor/massage deal and it helped, but when you are in physical pain all day, you become exhausted from that and mentally frustrated. So take the time to take care of yourself even though it will be hard to leave your baby to go to the gym, or the masseuse or whatever it is that you need to do to be physically capable of being Supermom.

5. You’ve figured out how to work a Diaper Genie.

And you can switch out the refill in 20 seconds flat.

6. Modesty is a thing of the past.

Not only was your Hootie and the Blowfish in plain view during labor for about 8 nurses while your knees were damn near past your head, but your boobies are exposed for (what seems like) hours while your breast feeding guru shows you how to squeeze your boobs from top to bottom in a way that just shouldn’t be natural. For me personally, breast feeding didn’t come natural and didn’t last long, but I have heard many stories of my friends getting very used to whipping out a boob when the baby is hungry. Also, there will come a time when you can no longer use the bathroom alone. At this time in my baby’s life, he hasn’t started barging in on me, it’s basically just not safe for him to be alone for the 15 seconds it takes to pee and wash my hands so instead of hearing him scream bloody murder from his crib or playpen, I just take him into the bathroom with me. And he grabs at my underwear, unrolls the whole roll of toilet paper, or tries climbing into the bathtub so I’m doing all my business one-handed and one footed, at times.

7. Brushing your teeth has become a luxury.

Especially in the first few weeks. Since you’re a walking zombie from consistent interrupted sleep, and you’re delirious from the emotional high of having a baby, your hygiene levels may drop along with your estrogen. Or… Maybe that was just me? Anyway, there is so much going on and you’re trying to get everything right- a good, minty burst in your mouth can be just what the OB ordered.

8. You are in love.

With everything. With their wrinkly skin, their smile, their toots. Baby toots are the cutest thing in the world. You love being covered in spit up, drool, and soggy Cheerios. Or you don’t mind it, at least! You’re also in love with the person you have become. They say “Having a baby changes you” but they didn’t specify that it would be immediate and dramatic. You will feel emotions that you’ve never felt before and you won’t be able to put words to your feelings. Those words haven’t been created yet. You will not remember life before your baby, and if you do, nothing before it compares. And you love that. Moving along with their first year is so exciting and so bittersweet. You want your baby to meet all those milestones but it won’t ever seem like it could possibly be time yet! Your baby’s smile will melt your heart like it’s never melted before. And you will never love teeth as much as you do those first bottom two. The excitement you feel when they wave and point for the first time is unbelievable. I can only assume that feeling is the same when they walk into school for the first time and when they walk across the graduation stage.


May we all continue to find joy in the small things. May we continue to stay patient. May we all be attentive and present in every second because the days are short in the long run. May we continue to love and be in love.

Take Care of Yourself!